I just thought I would pop on here and just express how much I feel loved and blessed. This has been such an awesome week and a half. I think mostly because of how much of my side of the family from out of state has been able to be here as well as having some great experiences on Christmas Eve when I was working alone and then also during Zoe's baptism. Christmas Eve was awesome. I wasn't exactly looking forward to working but when I got there and started settling in I opened a few emails from the girls at work. There was one by Josh Groban singing Silent Night as a slideshow of the Saviors birth was presented. Needless to say, I cried like a baby. The next was similar, the A/V guys at work sent out an electronic Christmas card to everyone. It was so cool to feel the spirit so strongly and to get to reflect on the true reason for the season. I did do some gift wrapping but also just really enjoyed listening to my Christmas music. I'll do a seperate posting on Zoe's baptism in the morning when I can add a few pics. My computer is still on the fritz but I found I can use Del's :)
I am so grateful for the Savior and for His love He unconditionally gives to me and the sacrifices that I on so many occasions feel unworthy to receive. I may not say it publically enough but I do have a testimony of that and of the wonderful gift of the Atonement. I am excited for a new year and for the wonderful blessings that are in store for me and my family as we strive to be worthy of them.

I hope that you each have a great New Year also. Remember to take that extra minute or two to tell your family and our Heavenly Father just how much you love and appreciate them.


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