Catching up with Friends.....

We had so much fun on New Years Day catching up with old friends. Jen and I were able to keep in touch with a few of the missionaries who served in Ohio my senior year of high school. I think they were really influential in helping Jennifer to serve a mission. It's been about 9 years since they we were all together (mine and Del's wedding). We have all agreed that it will not take 9 years to get us all together again!!

Our little group..Jason & Shari Ott, Cretia & John Tinsley, Jennifer & Paul Dunn, Kim & Delwyn Price and Scott Lazerson

Kim & Scott Lazerson

Shari & Jason Ott

John & Cretia Tinsley

Another cool thing, I don't have a picture but my friend Scott Black, who also served in Columbus Ohio Mission, and his wife Shawna were able to attend Zoe's baptism. He and I are more like brother and sister than we are friends. He and his companion, Charlie Lynch, really helped me get reactive when I was married before. I love them both to death!!


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