Well, there's no reason to beat around the bush. Some of you already know but our "little" family is going to get a little bigger. We found out last week that we are expecting the last little Price. We knew when we decided to have Seth that we were going to have one more and this time it just took a little longer. Baby Price will make an appearance just before Halloween, Oct 23rd. We are getting excited and for the moment feeling good. We'll see how long that lasts. Can I just tell you how glad I am it is not going to be in November or December. LOL.
I just have to say, I thank Thee O God for a Prophet!!! For years I have sat back in silent admiration for our dear, loving prophet. I have been inspired and humbled by many of his wonderful teachings. I know that I'm not really supposed to share many of my work experiences but I couldn't help share a wonderful, humorous side of our prophet. Monday night I took a call from Pres Monson, he was looking for one of his secretaries who happened to not be available. He said that he would try again later and that maybe he would take a drive. He joked and even mentioned taking a walk on the boardwalk. I don't know how it happened but all of a sudden he and I were talking about Monopoly and he was quizzing me on the different names on the Monopoly board. I have to admit I must be a lousy Monopoly player, I could only remember a few of the properties. I even cheated a little and tried to google the Monopoly board for help. Pres Monson just laughed and said he's played longer th...
Again, hard to believe little Caleb is now 2 1/2 months old. I'm officially off maternity leave and trying to readjust. Caleb is starting to develop his little personality, during the week of Christmas he started laughing and smiling. Mommy also found out that he is ticklish under his arms. He's now sleeping about 4-5 hrs during the night which is soooooo nice. Dr Bean ok'd us to go ahead and give him cereal before bed so that it would help him sleep. I've never loved baby rice so much before. At first I joked that he was like a little clock. He was awake every 3 hrs on the button. Caleb also weighed in at 13 lbs 2 oz during his 2 month check-up. A whopping 5 lb gain. He seems like such a happy little guy. During his 2 month check-up we were told that we should go see a specialist. We (the dr and us) had noticed during his 2 week checkup that he had a small ridge in the middle of his forehead. We had hoped that over a course of time it would start to expand...