Humanitarian Aid

I just wanted to leave a little note regarding the Humanitarian Relief that our church gives. I just had a gentleman call in to work requesting the address for the church so that he and his mother could send a thank you note for the aid that they received as a result of Hurricane Ike. He lives in the Beaumont area and was hit very badly. He was very appreciative of our services and stated that he was also a Christian and believed that we should all be willing to help each other. He has also been driving over 60 miles to help another congregation that was hit harder. He mentioned that he is using the supplies that we were able to provide to help others there as well as to assist with food. He said that we would be amazed at the destruction there, people are literally living in tents. My point of this is that even though we may only be able to give a little through our tithes and fast offerings and also our time, it means the world to someone who has very little or in some cases nothing. Even though my home is safe and sound here in Utah, my family still felt the wind effects of Ike in Ohio. Many were without public provided power but due to the teachings we have been given by the Prophet and other General Authorities they were prepared with the necessities to sustain our families their for over a week. My brother was even able to take his generator to my uncles office the first few days after the storm so that the office could have electricity to run and take calls, etc even when the city area they were in was without power. I can imagine that without the guidance to prepare, they would have been short mainly on the food and water needed to take care of over 20 people. I hope that I am just as prepared should the need arise at any time that my family will be provided for and watched over.


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