If you haven't seen it, you need to. It is a really cute movie. We took Emma and her best-buddy Sar-bear (my niece Sarah) to go see it for Em's birthday. Cheryl and I laughed so much that we hope we didn't bother anyone. If the pigeons don't make you laugh then the hamster surely will.
The other thing I liked about Bolt was the "short" film before hand. Mater Tokyo. There have been 3 other "Mater" spots on the Disney channel lately. They are so cute. I also just read that there is going to be a Cars 2 in Summer 2011. Jakey would have loved seeing Mater all hyped out and then in one of the other shorts as a firetruck. I hope they release them on a DVD all together.


Looks like such a cute movie.
I am glad your kids liked the snowmen. I enjoyed making them. They all have seemed to take on there own personalities. I am going to miss all of you as well. I have enjoyed getting to know you. Even though we are both Zombies by the time it comes to Saturday night! I am happy for the times we have shared!
Take Care

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