Girl Scout Troop 2233 Service Project for Haiti

Hi Everyone,

As I'm sure all of you are aware, there has been a great deal of loss in the country of Haiti. When I met with my Girl Scouts on Tuesday night, I asked them if they were aware of the earthquake that had occured and if they would like to do something to help. Immediately, every hand went up. Before I had a chance to offer the suggestions to the girls that I had, they started pouring out ideas of different ways we could help. It ranged from making blankets, donating all of our cookie money they are currently trying to earn, sending clothing and so forth. We have decided upon two organizations that we would like to help. The first is Healing Hands for Haiti and the other is Soles 4 Souls. Healing Hands main focus in the past has been to help those who have disabilities obtain prosthetics and the rehabilitation they need. Soles 4 Souls collects new or gently used shoes to send to those in need.

I know that most of you have recently assisted my son Adam with his Eagle Project to make Hygiene Kits for the Road Home Shelter here in Midvale and we have greatly appreciated your support and generosity. You may also be wondering what you can do for those in Haiti. Our troop has decided to make hygiene kits as well to donate to Healing Hands and also collect shoes for Soles 4 Souls. We will only be collecting items until this coming Tues, Jan 26th so that we can assemble the kits and get them to Haiti as quickly as possible. If your willing to help with supplies, below is a list of what is needed. If you'd also like to help us assemble them, feel free to stop at our Ward building on Tues night at 6:30. We will be having a guest from Healing Hands for Haiti speaking to the girls about the service they render.

Hygiene kits provide disaster victims with basic items necessary for health and cleanliness.

Assembly Instructions
2 unbreakable combs (no sharp handles)
4 toothbrushes (packaged)
1 tube of toothpaste (6-8 oz., no pumps)
2 bars of soap (approximately 4 to 5 oz.)
2 hand towels (new towels, approximately 15" by 25". Please do not use dish towels or washcloths. To sew towels, serge or zigzag the edges of terry cloth to make a 15" by 25" towel.)
Place items in a heavy-duty, one-gallon sealable bag. Remove all air before sealing.

Items can be dropped off at my home between now and Tuesday or they can be delivered to the church on Tuesday night. I will be arriving at the church by 6pm.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via phone or email. I will be working my graveyard shift the remainder of the week and unable to take calls before 11:30am.

Thanks again for all the support!

Kim Price
Girl Scout Troop 2233
801-567-1190 (hm) or 801-455-0266 (cell)

PS....please feel free also to forward this on to anyone that may read your blogs. Thanks :)


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